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Water Monitoring Systems


Water-use monitoring provides feedback data about
how your water system is performing and can be used for remote control of the system. We offer our Smart or Advanced Monitoring options which are integrated with our Greywater & Rainwater Systems. We also provide custom solutions for other water systems applications.


Smart Water-use Monitoring

Smart Monitoring can be included as an option when installing one of our Smart Greywater or Rainwater Systems

Smart Monitoring

Our Smart Monitoring Package adds a digital water meter that is connected to the Water System Controller. Water-use information is displayed on the LCD screen of the Controller. The controller displays the following information:


  • Total gallons your greywater/rainwater system has saved since installed.

  • Total gallons of makeup water used since the system was installed.

  • Current flow rate (gallons per minute) of the system when water is running.

  • Water usage is outside of the normal range, (constant leak, pipe break, high flow, etc.) will trigger an alarm on the controller.

Advanced Water-use Monitoring

In addition to the Smart Monitoring, the Advanced Monitoring allows the system to be remotely monitored and controlled through any internet device

Advanced Monitoring

In addition to the Smart Monitoring, our Advanced Monitoring option adds an analog tank level sensor and an internet connected gateway to the system. The gateway uploads system data to an online dashboard where the system can be remotely monitored and controlled through any internet connected device.


  • The dashboard system graphic provides a real-time snapshot of current values

  • Tank levels & water usage is displayed in quick graphs & charts for current and previous day, week and month.

  • Tank levels & water usage is displayed in historic graphs for longer periods. Data can be downloaded as Excel document for further analysis.

  • Alarms are programmed into the dashboard so that when the water usage is outside of the normal range, (constant leak, pipe break, etc), email and/or texts are sent out to alert users to the problem.

Custom Water-use Monitoring

Our water-use monitoring systems can be custom tailored to monitor any configuration & type of water system

Custom Water-use Monitoring

Custom systems can include any combination and configuration of water systems and are not limited to any single type. Some examples included:


  • Combined greywater, rainwater, fire sprinkler etc. systems.

  • Whole house/building water systems

  • Groundwater level monitoring for critical pumping applications.

  • Stormwater lift stations and other pumping applications.

  • Local HMI dashboards for maintenance/building staff.

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